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    As a family physician, attorney, business owner, and father, Mike Kennedy has seen up close how the failure of Washington to control inflation, secure our border, or even pass a budget makes life harder for everyday Americans. As a legislator, Mike Kennedy has been a conservative advocate for fiscal responsibility, limited government, and safeguarding individual liberties. His legislative achievements include working with others to cut taxes and balance the budget, while spearheading multiple efforts to make government more efficient and protecting the most vulnerable in society.

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    ANNOUNCEMENT: It is with mixed emotions that I submit this letter today. Serving you in the Utah State Legislature as your State Senator has been one of the greatest honors of my life, and now, I am excited about the opportunity to continue representing our shared values on a larger stage.

If I win the General Election on November 5th, my resignation from the Utah State Senate will be effective on January 1, 2025. While it is bittersweet to leave my current role, I remain fully committed to fighting for our families and community, both in Utah and Washington. Read my full letter below.Image attachment

    ANNOUNCEMENT: It is with mixed emotions that I submit this letter today. Serving you in the Utah State Legislature as your State Senator has been one of the greatest honors of my life, and now, I am excited about the opportunity to continue representing our shared values on a larger stage.

    If I win the General Election on November 5th, my resignation from the Utah State Senate will be effective on January 1, 2025. While it is bittersweet to leave my current role, I remain fully committed to fighting for our families and community, both in Utah and Washington. Read my full letter below.
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    2 days ago

    8 CommentsComment on Facebook

    Thank you for your service! You are the best seat mate a guy could have. Give DC heck!

    You are going to represent us well in Washington.

    Thank you for your continued service. You’re genuinely one of the good ones. It has been an honor to work alongside you and your family in this journey. I’m just gonna say it…I love you, brother.

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    The Constitution was written to limit government power and protect peoples freedom. By keeping government limited, we unlock the full potential of the American people. As James Madison said, The powers delegated by the Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. 

Let’s remember today that our strength and prosperity come from freedom, not from government control.

Happy Constitution Day!

    The Constitution was written to limit government power and protect people's freedom. By keeping government limited, we unlock the full potential of the American people. As James Madison said, "The powers delegated by the Constitution to the federal government are few and defined."

    Let’s remember today that our strength and prosperity come from freedom, not from government control.

    Happy Constitution Day!
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    3 days ago

    3 CommentsComment on Facebook

    It is truly an inspired document. Happy Constitution Day!

    "Few and defined"....except with the 'general welfare clause' which this generations politicians have used to pass everything contrary to our founding documents, like the economy destroying health care law. Just to name one.

    “No one can read our Constitution without concluding that the people who wrote it wanted their government severely limited. The words “no” and “not” used in restraint of government power, occur 24 times in the first seven articles of the Constitution, and 22 more times in the Bill of Rights.” - Danny Bedwell